Steel processing

Steel processing Steel processing Steel processing The common processes for steel production and processing are associated with very high temperature levels. However, cold is required for some finishing processes, especially for transforming residual austenite after...

CO₂ and hydrogen cooling systems

CO₂ and hydrogen cooling systems CO₂ and hydrogen cooling systems CO₂ and hydrogen cooling systems The dry ice technique – as an alternative to sandblasting – is now a tried-and-tested method of surface treatment. It requires the provision of frozen CO₂. L&R has...

Process engineering

Process engineering Process engineering Process engineering Many processes in process engineering are temperature-controlled or require a certain temperature level. That is why this industry is one of the application areas in which L&R has extensive expertise and...

Mobile and stationary warehouses for the pharmaceutical industry

Mobile and stationary (walk-in) warehouses for the pharmaceutical industry Mobile warehouse Stationary warehouse Mobile warehouses for the pharmaceutical industry Mobile warehouses for the pharmaceutical industry 30 years’ experience give you the edge in new...

Testing equipment for engine parts

Testing equipment for engine parts and other components Testing equipment for engine parts and other components Testing equipment for engine parts and other components In the automotive industry, as well as in the field of aeronautical engineering, for example,...